Decades after Fortune's Favor successfully defeated and banished Marcus the Betrayer, an aging Petravian Calenius is tasked with one last mission: investigating a mysterious crack in the skies above Aedron, and the strange crystal-armored soldiers who've emerged from it. To aid him in his quest, R'issen summons alternate versions of his former comrades from across the threads of time and Fate, each one having lived a very different life from the adventurers and friends he once knew.
Our wonderful cast of players is as follows:
Keni as The DM Daddy
Foaly as Kurla the Half Orc Oracle
Xeno/Kyle as Lyeecia the Half Elf Bard
Skrewy as Petravian the Oread Paladin
Grem as Lovette the Half Drow Half Gnome Summoner
Beardy as Karis the Vampire Slayer
Hello there and welcome to our wonderful adventure! We invite you to return with us in in our second season, as we continue to...
Hello there and welcome to our wonderful adventure as we invite you to join along with us in this journey as we discover ourselves...
Hello there and welcome to our wonderful adventure as we invite you to join along with us in this journey as we discover ourselves...